By helping the Foundation grow: The following will be implemented; education, informing-finding ways to improve our lifestyle and prevent cancer where possible, also early detection. We look to help those in need (underprivileged communities). By DONATING our future generation and yours will benefit, in a healthy productive life.

Finding better ways to live a healthy life-Prevent.
Health and happiness from CPWW.
Being a volunteer one gets to see first-hand what best suits the needs and also what concerns or benefits can be met for the cancer patients. We look to help Cancer patients with the little resources they have finding ways to deal with their agony and pain. Your positivity and inspiration will help lift up the spirits of those in need, with your actions (volunteering).
As a volunteer you show compassion – which is Awesome.
Be inspired help those in need-this is our gratification- “Be inspired Volunteer” (We all benefit).
When we have events –sign up. Volunteer and encourage that we all enjoy and find meaning (create positive roles a better future).