Cancer Center

Having Had Cancer.

When  I was treated for Cancer in 2005,  I decided at the treatment center that when I left, to form this FOUNDATION to  plant a seed  that will make a difference —find  preventative  ways  worldwide.

PREVENTION:-  Preventing Cancer in the first place where possible.

As well as    -     Preventing  Cancer  from  Occurring again where possible.

This is the direction of   Prevent Cancer where possible and from spreading.

Having overcome Cancer;  I choose Now to Prevent where possible in the Future from occurring, for ALL.

Taking one form of Cancer Prevention (a process) one  step at a time finding more ways to help Prevent Cancer looking at the opportunities.   a worldwide foundation,  Cancer  Prevention World Wide Inc.    Plans to educate and move society forward, looking to those in Dismay and the underprivileged-offering guidance and Information.

Finding more cost effective solutions.

Finding more cost effective solutions.  offers a direction that is helpful and the idea is to introduce new possibilities in Preventing  Cancer .     In some cases the prognosis is better than expected.

Additionally  the Mission is to create a National and World Wide AWEARNESS of Nutrition, Lifestyle changes, Non Toxic and Non Envassive ways of diagnostic screenings.  presents the opportunity for people to make their own health decisions based on their own research Read more ....