7 pm Vigil Mass
7:30 am, 9 am (EN), 11 am,
1 pm, 6pm
Holy Days:
9 am (EN), 11 am, 1 pm, 6pm
9am, 7 pm
No Mass on Wednesdays
Our Religious Education program is available to students in grades
one and above. The purpose of the Religious Education Program
is to cooperate with parents in the religious education of their
children. A vibrant program is provided that assists parents in
the teaching of their Catholic faith. We offer a weekly opportunity
for children to have a deeper knowledge of the person and message
of Jesus Christ. Our mission is to help the children relate their
faith and religion to their daily lives. We help the parents to
prepare their child for the reception of the sacraments and grow
in the development of their faith. As parents are the primary
educators of their children, we try to help them accept the call
and the challenge of being a Christian role model for their child.