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"The most excellent place for practicing men is wherever there is a gathering of practicing women; there, all the magical powers will be attained."
Cakrasamvara Tantra
          MEN AND MENSTRUATION is a landmark workshop  exclusively for men.  Without realizing it, men are profoundly affected by the biological rhythms of women.  The one they are most aware of, however, is the menstrual cycle, by virtue of the much-publicized PMS.  Most men are aware of the profound changes which women experience monthly, but are generally unaware as to why and what exactly is happening to women's bodies, minds and spirits as a result of these normal rhythms.  Add to this lack of understanding the barrage of negative programming of both men and women by the media and the medical profession surrounding women's biology, and you are a full-fledged subscriber to the myth that women suffer because they are women. 


          In redefining these two events; the menstrual cycle (renamed The Sacred Cycle) and PMS (renamed Powerful Monthly Sight), men will learn how to create deeper intimacy, better communication and a clearer understanding of the women in their lives; whether they are wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, friends or lovers.  When a model from which to view anything is only negative, then the experience can only be negative.  This workshop challenges, shatters and replaces the existing model regarding these and other important and inherently female experiences.

          By attending this workshop and gaining a better understanding of the female rhythms of the women in your life, you will also have a greater awareness of the dynamics of your relationships with women.  Due to societal images, many women feel uncomfortable talking about these uniquely female experiences WITH YOU.  Due to shameful programming about their bodies, women are reluctant to share openly with men, and most men are subscribers to the myth that dismisses women as "hormonal" during this powerful time of the month.  Knowledge is power, and what you don't know is hurting you and the women you care about.

          This workshop is not just about women's menstrual cycles; it is about ALL of the rhythms of the feminine, explained to men from a NEW and unique perspective.  You will see women in an incredibly beautiful light and understand more than you ever have about the magic and mystery of the female after attending this workshop.


  • Why menstruation is a woman's compass

  • Women's sexuality from a sacred perspective

  • A woman's anatomy from a biological and energetic perspective

  • The menstrual cycle unveiled; what it is and what role it plays in women's AND men's lives

  • Women's bodies as the repository of women's wisdom

  • Open discussion and answers to your questions about women's cycles and women in general

  • What PMS REALLY is and how it can help heal your relationships with the women in your life

  • How to communicate effectively with the women in your life

  • How you can improve you relationships with and support the women in your life by understanding and honoring the rhythms of the feminine

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