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"The Sacred Cycle class has been a wonderful part of my growth and transformation as a young woman.  After only three weeks, I was already much more connected to my body and more aware of the changes I experienced throughout each month.  I also feel more confident, powerful and self-assured.  I now look upon my cycle as truly magical and exciting; versus as a burden I must carry as a woman.  I only wish I had taken this class 20 years sooner! It is a must for all girls and women."

Lisa, age 29


"This class has been a wonderful experience.  I have enjoyed connecting to my inner-self, personal power, and femininity through both breathing exercises and dance.  I have permission to "be" and am accepted "wholly".  What a truthfully enriching and healing experience."

Anne Marie, age 32

"Gina Cloud is a clear and perfect channel for the Sacred Cycle class.  Gina is able to facilitate an environment where women can open their minds, bodies and souls to the art of honoring their Sacred Cycle, and truly embracing their femininity.  I personally felt that the Sacred Cycle class changed my life, as strange as it may sound, because Gina was able to teach me and other women in the group about the ancient wisdom behind this natural phenomena.  This wisdom helped me to see past the boundaries and taboos set by society.

I now feel that my natural rhythm has been fully embraced and that I am able to be present and empowered around the time of my Sacred  Cycle.  This course has had a rippling effect on other areas of my life, hence bringing about a change in my life.  Gina has spent over 12 years preparing this gift to us.  Together with beauty, poise, and intelligence, she makes taking the journey of the Sacred Cycle class an enjoyable experience."



"Gina Cloud has unraveled the mystery of my womanhood with the Sacred Cycle workshop.  Gina worked with women in our group as a clear and perfect channel bringing history, movement and meditation, allowing us to reach into depths beyond the womb to our inner soul.

Being a wife and mother of a 7-year old, Gina has allowed me to melt down the invisible wall that I built around me as a teenager which blocked my growth as a woman.  With the knowledge and confidence I have gained as a result of the Sacred Cycle, I feel I can embrace the full cycle of my life in the world."

B. James

"I came across an article on Gina Cloud and her work in Spirit Magazine at the beginning of the year 2000.  I was immediately intrigued - not only as a graduate of cultural and symbolic anthropology, but also on a very deep spiritual and personal level.  Now, halfway through her Sacred Cycle lessons, I have found the message Gina teaches to be inspirational, empowering, and truly essential to the female experience.  Her work is also very nurturing and healing in its nature and aids in achieving the balance and awareness we seek on our journey towards true consciousness.  Thank you, Gina, for being a genuine and passionate teacher of this profound message."

Julie, age 25


"Taking the Sacred Cycle class was one the best things I've done for myself as a woman.  I grew up in a culture (Iran) that emphasizes women more as servants to their husbands than anything else, yet as we left our country and went to France and the to the U.S., I personally didn't see the change as far as women and how they felt about themselves.  It is of course much more subtle in the West, but still, it seems as though the majority of women spend more time and energy wanting to please their man than they do checking in with their own deep and strong connection to Nature.  And the struggle was always there for me, too.  How do I find the right tools and deeper understanding of what I intuitively know to be true? My connection to my femininity must be healed in order for me to find my creative self and therefore God.

The information given to me during the Sacred Cycle course was absolutely God sent.  From female anatomy to the woman's role as nurturing Mother Earth and much deeper spiritual guidance into my femininity than I ever imagined possible! Wow!!!

I have tuned in to the very specific, unique natural rhythm of my own body and not only am I conscious of this rhythm, but I am excited to constantly explore it.  What I discover is rewarding, healing, and makes me feel such inexplicable gratitude to simply be me.

I see blood as the very "sacred fluid" and as Mother of unconditional love.  I experience sex as divine creativity. I see my vagina as a sacred opening for life.

Gina's got information to pass on that every woman, man and child can only benefit from.  Thank you for sharing, Gina.  Light and darkness have new meaning -- Darkness as precious and awesome as Light, Light born from the Dark."

Maryam, age 32

"Thank you again for your invaluable work, Gina.  What you do for women is so powerful- the world needs you to continue to have the audacity to be who you are.  The world needs you.  Your teachings have changed me, opened and healed me in a way like no other way ever has.  Thank you. I love you."  


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