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Birds, Bees and Bodies for Girls, Ages 8 - 12

        At an age before puberty and significant body changes, namely breast development and first periods, young girls have questions about where babies come from, how they get inside your body (sex), periods, and changing bodies. They need to have these questions answered honestly, openly and before it is too late. It seems that once they reach puberty, it is too late, as the media and the messages from the world around them have successfully programmed them to dread their physiological functions; namely menstruation, to feel fat and unattractive, unless they look like models, to believe that they must behave in a sexy way, and that they must be silent people pleasers.

     All of this is destructive to our daughters and their budding self-esteem. They need to be informed about sexuality, both its sacredness and its dangers, as well as the profound sacredness of their bodies, so that they understand that they and their bodies deserve to be respected. They need to be told the truth so that all the tall tales they hear at school do not misinform them. They need to be told that boys and girls are different and that a boy's natural drives will cause them to pursue her in certain ways that may cause her to feel uncomfortable, and at times will be inappropriate. They need to know what the boundaries are and how to stand firmly upon them. They need to learn to love, respect and embrace their bodies as they are, and to understand that there is sacredness in them. They need to find and develop their unique, strong voices and to be encouraged to use them.

     This is a workshop for mothers and their young girls. There is discussion with the mothers alone, before the workshop starts, to address any unique or specific concerns, as well as to be sure that everyone is comfortable with the various topics we will explore. Each workshop is unique to the various participants and their needs, and each workshop opens a door into the beauty of each girl. A sacred seed is planted, one which can then be nurtured by the parents as they guide their daughter through puberty.


Topics Covered in the Workshop:

·  How girls bodies change; when, how and what the specific changes are; (body hair, breasts, pubic hair, body odor, feelings about their bodies, skin changes, hormones).
·  Biology facts: How girls bodies are different from boys. The reproductive organs of males and females explained verbally and with a visual aid.
·  Menstruation: why it happens, when it happens, what to do when it happens,    how to celebrate it, tampons and pads, feelings about periods.
·  How a woman gets pregnant: Sex explained very simply and honestly.
·  Respecting your body: an explanation of boundaries, specifically related to inappropriate touching by others, and an encouragement of self-exploration without shame.
·  Body image: turning around the media images, encouraging acceptance of  self and our bodies.
·  Examples of Sacred Images in nature that mirror the female anatomy.
·  Open question and answer format for moms and girls.
·  Learning to speak up, speak out and to use their strong individual voices.



"Thank you. Your workshop was cool, honestly. You just helped me understand myself a lot more, and helped me and my mom connect more. I would come back again any time! Once again, thank you!"
Linda, AGE 10
"What I liked about the workshop was that I learned how to communicate with my parents and also how to take care of myself and my situations."
Raika, AGE 10
"I felt real open with you. You were real good with me."
Breanna, AGE 12
"We had a chance to be really open."
M.O., AGE 11
"It was interesting and I think it is a wonderful inspiration for girls."
Nicole, AGE 10
"I like that you were very open and honest and spoke from your experiences. I also like that you introduced new vocabulary to the children. I think it was a good idea to speak to the girls separately."
Dara, AGE 39
"What I liked about the workshop was honesty. Loose format where you were not compelled to stick to the agenda if it did not apply to the girls' and moms' interests. Down-to-earth, sincerity, concern. Liked the girls only, moms only and both together sessions -- they worked well!"
Dawn, AGE 41

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